When You Get Your Customers to Focus on 
​​​​​​​Their Patients' Experience, You Win​​​​​​​.
Solutions for Medical Device Manufacturers & Software Providers 

No one cares about your solution, they care about their problem.

Launch & Sell

Successfully sell your offering to your customers. SM2 has experience with over 40 commercial launches of medical devices and services.

Succeed with SM2

Gain from the experience developed from over 20 years of working with manufacturers and software providers in the healthcare industry.

Look to the Future

Healthcare is 10 years behind in customer service standards. We created a movement to change that and we invite you to be a part of it.

SM2 Strategic has helped clients including:

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3 Steps to Grow Your Business

Learn How Patient Experience Creates Competitive Advantage

"I wrote Beyond Bedside Manner based on decade's long work with companies and their customers. What became clear is that an awesome patient experience -- not just a new technology -- drives demand for new procedures." - Shareef Mahdavi

Understand how your customers' relationships are impacted by Medical Device, Software and Services Companies like yours. This means you need to look past the sale and into the patient experience. Beyond Bedside Manner gives you insight into your customer's customers: the patients! Use this knowledge to form stronger relationships with your customer base.

​​​​​​​Leverage Patient Experience to Drive Revenue

Once you have a foundational understanding of the patient experience, it's time to leverage that knowledge to drive revenue. Our unique approach to helping clients allows us to identify and close gaps in the commercial plan...driving results that make our clients proud!

​​​​​​​Messaging and Marketing

​​​​​​​​​​​Product Positioning 

Strategic Framework to Launch Products

​​​​​​​Make your innovation GREAT

​​​​​You want to partner with an expert who has the experience. Over the course of his career, Shareef has created strategic launches for major innovations in the healthcare industry. He can do the same for you.

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“The experience you offer customers is the only sustainable means of differentiation.” 
- Shareef Mahdavi

Quality Patient Experience Goes Beyond (Just) Bedside Manner

 Further Resources to Improve Patient Experience (PX)

Get a sneak preview of the business book for medical practices! Download a free chapter from Beyond Bedside Manner.
Get a weekly email from Shareef about "pain points" that most practices experience and how to overcome them. Sign Up

Doctors and experts share their unique perspectives on patient experience. Subscribe to Shareef's YouTube channel to see each new episode!